Wednesday, November 12, 2008

DevLearn Day 1 (cont.)

Tony Karrer (session two presenter) has a little poll he likes to take where he asks the audience about their ages, and then brings up two pictures: a card catalog, and a microfiche reader. He then asks everyone under the age of 27 if they know what these things are. It's to make the point that the Internet has changed things so dramatically. Well, this time he couldn't make that work because there was nobody in his audience under the age of 27. That threw him off his rythym a little bit.

Interesting fact: a week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person living in the 18th century would encounter in a lifetime.

He has an excellent graphic demonstration of the e-mail collaboration workflow vs. a wiki collaboration workflow. I'll have to pull that out of his presentation and post it. In fact.... here it is!

Now he's talking about ways Web 2.0 tools can be used to create eLearning 2.0. This is excellent material.

Another excellent slide about the new roles of learning professionals in the eLearning 2.0 world. These are the same things I thought about and brought up months ago when we first starting looking at the possibility of using Second Life and Web 2.0. Validation, baby.

Sadly, this presentation turned out to be almost identical to the one he gave at the Online Forum a month or so ago. I was hoping for some new stuff, but I guess there is still value in the repetition.

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