Thursday, November 13, 2008

DevLearn08 - Day 2 (cont.)

Session one for today is "Managing Learning in a Web 2.0 - and Beyond - World" with Lance Dublin. This session is supposedly geared more toward learning managers and such, but it still seemed like the best bet at this time slot. After all, no one else at AAA NCNU is going to have any familiarity with this.

Lance contends that the way in which we learn has not changed, only the technology we use for learning.

He just made another good point that the predicted knowledge drain resulting from baby boomers leaving the workforce has been pushed back five years by the stock market implosion. That hadn't occurred to me yet, but he's probably right.

He has also made the point that as a result of globalization and technology work is happening all the time. This is another reason why collaboration tools are increasingly valuable - work, learning, & collaboration take place 24 hours a day and from virtually anywhere. This is probably more true for other organizations than for ours.

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