I'm spending part of the morning catching up on reading my favorite blogs after taking the day off yesterday. One of the first posts I had to read was this one, about the blogger's audience. It made me think about how I've been writing my posts, and who exactly it is that I'm addressing them to.
The answer is that I don't really know. I don't believe that anyone actually reads my blog on a semi-regular basis. A couple of my co-workers have read the posts about my DevLearn experience, but I think that's it. There was a guy who tapped me on the shoulder after Dan Roam's keynote speech at DevLearn (on day 2) to let me know he had read my blog the day before, but again I assume he was just reading what I had to say about DevLearn specifically.
In the end I guess I am writing this as if my primary audience is the co-workers of mine who happen to stumble in here on occasion. Until I can prove my audience is anything else I'm just going to go with that.
Hello world!
3 years ago
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