Monday, January 12, 2009

There be Progress

Today I released our internal social technographics survey out into the wild. Well, sort of. I actually sent it off to our University administration team so that they could send it out from their "official" AAA University mailbox. They haven't done that yet, but I should be seeing it within a couple hours or so. I'm a little nervous about the level of participation we will receive, and how people will react to the wording of the e-mail announcement, but I'm sure it will all work out.

Our funding got put on hold for a couple of weeks (after it was already approved and stamped) while we await another round of approval from a committee of folks from our parent department. I anticipate we will make it through that without much trouble, though. If we do make it through the committee I will have a decision to make on another matter. One of the project team members has thus far failed to attend any of our meetings, and I have located - purely by accident - a volunteer from the same college who would like to get more involved. I don't want to step on anyone's toes by switching the team members, but I really need the participation. I don't know; we'll see what happens.

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