Thursday, October 16, 2008

e-Learning 2.0: Blogs for everyone!

I just had a kickoff meeting with the broader, cross-college project team for AAA University's Web 2.0 project. I'm not very good at running meetings, but I feel like we accomplished everything we needed to accomplish.

I'm really stoked about this project. Using Web 2.0 tools to implement e-Learning 2.0 is a really exciting way to address a number of the broader issues that we have within this organization such as inter-department communication, knowledge sharing, knowledge management, standards, etc. It has surprised me how receptive others within the organization have been to the idea, and how swiftly my proposal gained traction with decision makers. I just hope that we can get this implemented in the right way, and that the employees find it as useful and valuable as we would like it to be.

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